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The Twelve is a segment that has been thoughtfully crafted and presented on the I AM PAXIMUS YouTube channel with the intention of inspiring viewers to adopt a more thoughtful and discerning approach to reading books. The segment is designed to shift the focus away from the number of books read and instead encourage viewers to prioritize quality over quantity. By joining us on this literary journey, viewers will have the opportunity to explore the world of literature in a more meaningful and engaging way, discovering new and exciting reads along the way.

Whatever you are doing, Reading, Writing, Studying, Working, or being Productive, you have found the PAXFAM! We all list our goals in the YouTube chat as a way to keep each other motivated towards those goals. We do things differently around here, however, we do usually maintain the timer of 50 mins of reading/study/work/productivity and 10 mins of chatting or relaxing at the break. If you have questions about this, feel free to let us know in the chat. We have 2 amazing moderators that are here from time to time, and of course you can ask me anytime. Glad you are here to keep me and the PAXFAM company while we shoot to complete our goals/tasks for each livestream! At the beginning of every month everyone that participates in chat/the stream will be able to collect what is called "HADOUKEN POINTS." The person with the most points/hours spent on the livestream in chat will win FREE T-SHIRT from the I AM PAXIMUS Merch Shop at the end of the month. This will be reset at the beginning of each month and a new contest will begin for the following month (If a person wins for a month, they cannot win again for the rest of the year).

Why do this? Simple. It's my way of saying thank you for spending your time with me and the PAXFAM and support the channel.

So, how do I collect points? Look below.

Every 5 minutes that you are active in the chat, you get a payout of 1 point. However, you must remain active every hour and not leave the livestream to collect points.  

1) Type "!hadouken" to start collecting points. (if you leave the chat OR if you leave the LIVE, you will have to type !hadouken upon return to the channel to continue collecting points.
2) Type "!points": This is to see how many points you have.
3) Type "!top": This is to see the leaderboard of I AM PAXIMUS channel.
4) Type "!tophours": This is to see who has the top hours on I AM PAXIMUS channel.
5) Type "!watchtime" to see how many amazing hours you spent on I AM PAXIMUS stream.
6) Type "!wish" to support Paximus & Linus and send us a book and chew toy for Linus!
7) Type "!paximusread" to see how many books Paximus has read this year so far.
8) Type "!memberdiscord" to join as a member with many perks and be given the Discord link.
9) Type "!currentlyreading" to see what I AM PAXIMUS is reading/listening to.

1) Type "!redeem wyr" = 3 points. We play "Would You Rather" for a 15 minute Break!
2) Type "!redeem sound" = 5 points. You pick the next Paxidoro Sound! Your Choice!
3) Type "!redeem paxidoro" = 5 points. You pick the next Paxidoro amount of time! Your Choice!
4) Type "!redeem linus" = 7 points. You get to see Linus for a whole Paxidoro & you choose the amount of time for the session.
5) Type "!redeem tbr" = 50 points. YOU CAN PICK A BOOK FROM MY TBR TO READ FOR THE CURRENT MONTH (only once per month per person. You cannot redeem both a recommendation & a TBR off my shelf). It's one or the other.
6) Type "!redeem tbrrec" = 60 points. YOU PICK ANY BOOK RECOMMENDATION FOR ME TO READ FOR THE CURRENT MONTH (only once per month per person. You cannot redeem both a recommendation & a TBR off my shelf). It's one or the other.
7) Type "redeem paxroom" =150 points. YOU HEAR EVERYTHING IN PAXIMUS ROOM FOR A WHOLE STREAM (for privacy, I will mute when necessary).

1) If you SUBSCRIBE you get an automatic 5 points!
2) If you donate OR SUPERCHAT you get an automatic 10 points!
3) If you join as a member on this channel you get 10 points!
4) If you gift memberships to others in the live chat, you get 20 points!

1) Type "!8ball will I do well this session?" to ask the magic 8 ball a question and get a random funny answer in return.
2) Type "!quote" to get a motivational quote in the chat!
3) Type "!lurk" if you want us to know you are here but not active in chat.
4) Type "!hug" if you want to send a hug.


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